Thursday, February 22, 2007

Too Fruity for me!

When I saw this I simply had to post about it. Pomegranate anointing oil!!! Only $19.95? Please, give me a break. I've actually got a pretty high tolerance for weirdness, but this just pushes my buttons. Talk about a gimmick with no Scriptural basis at all.
Here's the write up on the product:

"This is the most incredible anointing oil! The pomegranate represents healing, prosperity and overcoming. The pomegranate was early cultivated in Egypt and was highly esteemed by the Israelites. Carved figures of the pomegranate adorned the tops of the pillars in Solomon’s temple. Pomegranate fruits in blue, purple and scarlet, ornamented the hem of the robe of the High Priest, representing fruitfulness, blessings, favor of God. Pomegranates are one of the seven species the spies brought back with them to show how fertile the promised land was. It speaks of God's favor exhibited, in making fruitful."

The implication that Pomegranate anointing oil is somehow more effective or more 'anointed' than any other kind of oil is simply insane! The power doesn't come from the oil, it comes from GOD!

This kind of product just gets to me, because it feeds into crazy church culture and somehow people (literally) buy into it!
Oh well, at least the people anointed might smell a bit better, and at least people get an actual product!

Maybe I should look at the other side: you can spend at least that much on plain jane oil at any Body Shop near you!

Who knows, maybe they can make it smell fruity for you as well!

In the mean time, remember Paul Cain's admonition: "Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out."


Jilly said...

"Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out."

I love it!

That's all :)

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome quote. I think I might post that at work.

J Man said...

If someone's faith tells them that God uses fruity oil, so be it.

God bless their Fruity Faith (maybe I should copywrite that phrase and sell it....)

J Man said...

to Zondervan!!

EGB said...

There is Fruity Faith and there is fruitless marketing (maybe not so fruitless, obviously this stuff sells)- to me this smacks more of the later than the former. The special annointing power of the pomegranate... what's next, breath mints with scripture passages written on them to use for evangelism? We could call them "Testamints"...

Oh, yeah... already been done.

"Are your greeting cards Christian?"
"Well, they aren't all saved yet, but we're praying for them."
The worst manifestation of the Christian sub-culture of North America is the fact that we use "Christian" as a marketing adjective instead of as a personal noun.