Yesterday was an interesting day. At the end of it I realized that I had said 'No' 4 different times to various people. Why is this significant? Well, because I don't find it very easy to say 'No' to invitations and requests when it is in the realm of possibility for me to say 'Yes'. I just don't like to hurt people's feelings or disappoint them at all. (it happens enough as it is, despite my best attempts!) So I guess this makes me a 'people pleaser' doesn't it? Others will decide that I am in bondage to 'fear of man' and need deliverance! Well, who doesn't!
I was surprised though at the fact that it happened 4 times in 1 day. I realized that it had made me a bit tired. I think it's good for me though. Good to learn that it's okay to say no, even if sometimes people feel disappointed or hurt.
Al and I had a good chat today about the issue of guilt and doing things motivated by guilt. I found it enlightening. Al's always a great person to talk to!
In other news, today was interesting because a bunch of things happened at our house, all in the same day. We had our chimney swept and touched up; a guy came from Shaw cable to fix our internet connection; another guy came to prune our apple tree and nanking cherry bush; and finally, the city started mud-jacking our sidewalks to make them more even and less dangerous. All in one day! We never planned to have all this done on the same day; it just happened that way. Or did it?
Why is it that things have been happening in bunches?
Maybe I could have a day when bunches of people give me money!! (LOL)
June 4 - Psalm 16
11 years ago
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