Let your glory fall in this room
Let it go forth from here to the nations
Let your fragrance rest in this place
As we gather to seek your face
Father of creation, unfold your sovereign plan
Raise up a chosen generation
That will march through the land
All of creation is longing
For your unveiling of power
Would you release your anointing
Oh God let this be the hour
Ruler of the nations the world has yet to see
The full release of your promise
The church in victory
Turn to us Lord and touch us
Make us strong in your might
Overcome our weakness
That we could stand up and fight
Let your kingdom come
Let your will be done
Let us see on earth
The glory of your son
by David Ruis
I've been preaching lately on the manifest glory of God. I got an email asking me why we should desire to see the glory of God; why is it necessary? isn't it rather selfish to want to see God's glory?
My first reaction was that if Moses could ask to see the manifest glory of God, why can't we?
It's interesting to note that this person has had some rather unfortunate experiences with 'charismatic' Christian expressions, and given that the charismatic wing of the church are pretty much the only people who ever talk about the manifest glory of God, I wasn't entirely surprised.
I've been in many charismatic gatherings, and so I too know what he's talking about.
For sure I long for a more experiential relationship with God, but I guess how I've been talking about God's glory is a bit different:
I believe that the glory of God is about proximity or closeness to God.
Every time we read of a person in the Bible encountering the manifest Glory of God, they are in close proximity to God. We are designed to long to be in close proximity to God. This desire increases in us once we come to know Christ. We 'taste and see' that He is good. We recognize that He is, as the Scripture says, more desirable than any other created thing, and we want more. We want to be closer. We want greater proximity.
I also believe that to God, His glory is found most fully within his character...within his nature. When Moses asked to see God's glory, the Lord's response was to show him what He is LIKE; that is, His nature, His character: The Lord, slow to anger and abounding in love and kindness... etc.
I find this to be a vital truth: sometimes people have made the glory of God mostly about ecstatic spiritual experiences that some people can relate to and other cannot. But in God's encounter with Moses, He clearly wasn't just giving Moses an ecstatic experience for the sake of spiritual entertainment. God was interested in Moses encountering God's character and nature; the essence of who He is.
Moses asked "teach me your ways so I may know you..." A few verses later he asks "Now show me your glory". Moses understood that to encounter the glory was to encounter God's character and nature!
God has taught me a lot about His glory since the days I first started to pray around David Ruis' song. My thinking on it has been greatly expanded.
Yet for all this time, I've wanted to be like Moses how simply couldn't live without encountering the Glory of God.
I don't want to be a person who can just 'take it or leave it'.
So I'm praying these days for my heart to be expanded in it's desire and thirst for greater proximity to God: to see His glory, to know His character, to touch the honey Presence!
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