Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Coming Kingdom

As we get closer to Mother's Day this Sunday, I've been wondering what my own mother is up to. She died on June 4, 2001. Some people believe that loved ones in heaven can look down and see us on earth... sort of 'peering in' on what's happening.

There is no indication in Scripture one way or the other, but personally I hope not! Although in some ways it's nice to think of people being able to peer over the balcony of heaven; I know my mother would love to see my son Josiah, whom she never met on the earth. She'd love to see Rebekah and watch her growing up. (she'd be amazed at how smart Rebekah is and how funny Josiah is!)

The reality is that we're part of the most amazing plan imaginable: the redemption of our soul, our body and ultimately the entire earth itself!

So, in honor of mother's day, let me explain what I mean by saying a bit about the hope I have related to my mother:

Her soul has already been redeemed. That happened when she put her faith in Christ as her savior. Right now, because of all that Jesus has done, my mother is hanging out in heaven, which is a temporary location for her soul. Again, I'm not sure if she can see us, nor am I sure of what she's doing these days, but I do know that there's no pain or suffering or cruelty in heaven.

She is still awaiting the redemption of her body. Romans 8:23 says that we groan as we await the redemption of our bodies. Unfortunately for most of her life, my mother hated her body. She had a terrible self image, caused mostly by her childhood. There's pretty much nobody that I've ever known that 'groaned' as much for the redemption of her body, as she did! Think about it: we ALL will receive a redeemed human body, one that is imperishable, that 'bears the image of the man from heaven'. (1 Cor. 15:49)(I love that phrase... 'the man from heaven'!)

We know that even the earth itself is 'groaning' in anticipation of its redemption (Rms. 8:21-22) and the arrival of the city prepared for us (Heb.11:16 & Rev. 21). In June my father and I are going to visit the cemetery where my mother is buried, on the 7th anniversary of her death. It's in a town in Ontario called Lindsay, which is near a small village called Sturgeon Point (which is what my blog is named after). Sturgeon Point was my mother's favorite place on earth. The reality is that one day she will be back on this earth; on a redeemed earth, in a redeemed body, and she'll be able to visit Sturgeon Point again. (it may not be called Sturgeon Point then, but she'll be able to visit it again.

Scripture says that those who live by faith are really longing for a better country (Heb. 11:16)...a redeemed country ; Paul wrote that the sufferings and groanings of this age are pointing us toward the hope of the age to come... the coming Kingdom.

If you and I are going to persevere in this age, as Hebrews 10:36 says, and receive what has been promised, the coming Kingdom, then we need to focus on Jesus and the certain hope of living with Him forever as a redeemed soul, in a redeemed body, on a redeemed earth!

Happy Mother's Day!

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