There's something bigger than me...
There's something bigger goin' on...
Misty Edwards
I've been noticing a subtle and yet unmistakable shift lately in the spiritual arena around me. I'm having times where I feel deeply stirred to intercession and can't seem to focus on anything else. There have been times when I've been on my way to a ministry context and feeling good and positive and then when I arrive I'm hit with a major wave of discouragement and frustration, seemingly out of nowhere. Then there have been times in ministry contexts where there have been real events that should legitimately really discourage me, yet for no apparent reason, it doesn't affect me and I'm able to have a positive, faith-oriented posture.
Am I going insane? It seems unlikely. In my spirit, I'm pretty clear that these events are more than just emotional ups and downs... they are spiritually based.
Why is this? Good question! I'd like to know myself. It's as if there is a ton of stuff happening in the spiritual arena but virtually no indication of that activity in the natural realm. (I apologize to those readers who think I've gone off my rocker in talking in these spiritualized terms!)
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Heb. 11:1
Clearly Scripture teaches that there is much reality that we do not see; much activity of which there is no natural evidence.
Thus in faith I must choose to act in the natural (i.e. pray) when my spirit senses activity in the spiritual.
I believe that there is much happening around The Canopy these days in the spiritual realm. I have no outward evidence or reason to support that belief. All I have is subjective impressions and feelings and experiences, some of which I have mentioned here. Beyond that, I believe that something is happening on a city level as well.
While such statments sound all well and good, the question becomes: can I muster the strength to continue to believe such things? With cynicism and doubt crouching at my door, seeking to have me, seeking to hinder me, what will I choose?
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Heb. 10:35-36
He persevered because he saw him who is invisible. Heb. 11:27
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