Thursday, January 15, 2009


Well a few people have emailed some thoughts about the previous post on 'you troubler of Israel'.

Strangely enough I've been distracted by other things and haven't had much time to think and pray on it. (how's that for sad!!)

Yesterday was quite a hard day for me. Beth and I spend the entire day cleaning up the remnant of stuff at The Canopy and it was the last time we would ever be in that space. It's funny that spaces are so important. People today love to say how the church isn't a building; I understand what they are saying, but the reality for me right now is that the physical space known to most people as 'The Canopy' has been very important to me. Lots of memories.... good memories... mostly.

Today I will give in my pass-card and key. There's nothing there anymore. Just memories. I can take those with me.

I don't want to sugarcoat the memory of The Canopy. The last couple of years have been hard. Really hard. And towards the end it was quite painful. That pain is over now, but a new kind of pain, a mourning has taken its place. I'll take the mourning though, as it will, in time pass.

Jesus do you really comfort those who mourn?

God, will you really turn my mourning into dancing?

Lord, will you really bring restoration to my soul?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your questions at the end. I like even better that the answer is yes.