Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Things I Wonder About

It's been so long since I blogged that I wondered if I had forgotten my password! Evidently, I was able to remember it!

It's 9:30 p.m. and I'm watching the American Idol auditions with Pam. Given that I feel guilty about it, I thought I'd try to redeem the time by doing something productive and important (lol) like blogging! HA!

Right now there's an insane woman who wants her son to be the next American Idol and she actually said that American Idol is her biggest dream in life; that it's the reason for her entire life!! It was incredible.

Do these people actually think they can sing? Or are they trying to be so funny and so bad that they get on the auditions episodes? They can't be serious. Maybe it's scripted somehow.

A friend of mine commented to me once that American Idol is popular because it plays to the current young adult generation's obsession with themselves and with fantasies of fame.

So here are some things I'm wondering about lately:

a) Heath Ledger died today. Who would name their son 'Heath'?

b) Fred Thompson dropped out of his bid for the American Presidency today. I wonder if he'll go back to being on Law & Order? I hope so!

c) Bees have been dying in record numbers for the past several years and nobody knows why. I really like honey, so I hope they can discover what is happening. Here's to swirlin' in the honey!

d) I've been watching a lot of the U.S. Presidential primaries (much to the confusion of Pam, but she forgets that political science was my minor in University!) I love it. I'm not sure if Barak Obama or Hilary Clinton will win the nomination, but I do wonder if either of them like honey!

e) It's fascinating that for most Americans, the Iraq war has fallen way down their priority list. Right now the economy is most important to them. I understand why. Given the complexity of the Iraq conflict and the current U.S. economic crisis, I wonder why anybody would want to be President. It's the most brutal job around!

f) I wonder where I can get more honey.

So there you have it.


Michael Tkachuk said...

Thank goodness i was starting to go through withdrawal. It was about time!!!! To get some honey that is....lol

Brad Jersak said...

Sweet sweet honey.
You are so so funny.
Swirlin' in it.

Since you like my t-shirts, I thought you'd appreciate the new one that Kevin Miller bought me:

Guns don't kill people
People with moustaches kill people.

There's just a picture of a handgun on it, but I thought a collage of moustached people would be funny.

Miss you Jim,


Jim Hall said...

Brad, you're great! I DO love your t-shirts.
Maybe I should get one with something on it about honey...with the caption "swirlin' in the honey" or something like that!