Sunday, February 24, 2008

What's Missing

I've been watching quite a bit of the American election process. The primaries that will decide who will run for the Presidency of the United States. I've watched several of the debates and countless reports on the candidates rallies as well as the election night coverage, with the self-named 'best political team on television' (words can't express who arrogant that is and how nauseating that is!!)

I know that I'm from Canada and that the political issues are different, and I know that I'm from Alberta and thus I risk offending most people who will read this, however I simply cannot refrain from making this point:

There has been an almost total absence of any discussion on one of the most important issues that impacts not only the United States, but every other country on earth: the issue of climate change.

I have heard NONE of the candidates speak about this issue. I have heard no questions directed to the candidates on this issue in ANY of the debates. I have not seen even ONE news report on the primaries deal with this issue. I have NO idea what any of the candidates plan to do about this issue. Okay, well I guess I do have an idea: they have NO plan to do anything.

In some ways this isn't exactly shocking, but what is shocking is that this issue simply isn't on the radar of the candidates, the American media or the American public. This is utterly appalling.

Do you know what the main issues are? The economy and the immigration problem. Both are major issues at every turn because the problems with both are interfering with the pursuit of the so-called 'american dream'. Of course, the same basic pursuit certainly impacts our Canadian populace, but the issue is at least of real concern to many Canadians.

This issue of climate change is very complex and there are no simple answers, but the absolute silence on the current campaign trail is more disturbing to me than I can express. At a time in world history where such a global problem exists, we need the sharpest minds working on solutions and we need the very best in world leaders to be giving genuine leadership to this issue.

At a time when cynicism about government and political leaders is at an all time high, I am saddened to say that this issue is having that effect on me: I too am becoming cynical about what really drives these candidates and whether they will actually act as leaders and make difficult decisions, regardless of whether those decisions are politically popular or not.

I've often wondered how committed to 'democracy' I really am. Well, let me put it this way: I am NOT into 'populism'; meaning that I do NOT believe that leaders should simply do the will of the people. That's not leadership. The role of leaders it to have a more in depth understanding of the issues and be able to make judgements about what decisions are needed, regardless of whether they are 'popular'.

So as we watch the unfolding of the American political process, I invite you to watch and listen with me to see if the issue of climate change even is raised in the coming months.

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