Last Saturday night I went to a movie with my friend Al Seeman. We were one of the very few who were not seeing Spiderman 3. I actually am quite excited about seeing Spidy, but for some reason I just wasn't up to joining the mayhem. Al and I went to see Hot Fuzz, which while initially sounding like a cheap adult video, was indeed quite funny.
At any rate, the showing we saw was at 10:45, which normally would be too late for me to be going to a movie, but hey, you have to live a little, right? As you would expect, the majority of everybody on the planet was trying to see Spiderman 3, and the theatre pretty much had showings of the show every half hour.
Hot Fuzz finished at around 1 a.m. and as Al and I were talking outside of the theatre, suddenly one of the showing of Spiderman got out (hopefully the last one!). What floored me was the number of people who had kids with them, younger than MY kids (which are 4 and 7). I would NEVER let my kids see ANY of the Spiderman movies! It's just not age appropriate. Yet as we stood there, I must have seen nearly 2 dozen young children, from the ages of 7 down to about 2-3 years old!
I admit, I kind of freaked out at the theatre and ranted for a while to Al.
Have people lost their minds? Are they INSANE?
Now I know that we live in a super relaxed society, where we have very few standards of appropriateness, because everybody is supposed to be able to determine what is appropriate for themselves and their own children. But let's get real! Spiderman is simply NOT a children's movie! And it's wrong to take a young child to see it. Just plain wrong. But not only is it wrong to take a 4-5 year old to Spiderman 3 at ANY time of day, it is especially wrong to do it at 11:30 P.M.!!
I need to get this off my chest: These people are STUPID! You don't take a 4 year old to a movie at 11:30 at night.
One reason was immediately evident, as I watched all of these zombie like kids stumble out of the theatre, or being carried out, asleep on the shoulders of their parents.
Some may label me as a uptight, anal retentive, no fun parent. GO FOR IT!!
Parenting is serious business. We're talking about little lives that are in our hands and that we shape and mold.
I've always appreciated the old statement that we live in a society where you need a liscense to drive, but you can be a parent without any training at all!
I suppose what's worse to me is that a lot of the younger kids I saw, most likely didn't ask to go the movie. It was their parents who wanted to go to the movie, so they just took their kids with them. I can't prove that, but I'd bet money on it. Getting a baby sitter is hard and it's often expensive.
Reality check: when you're a parent, you don't get to do all the things you did before you had kids! People need to grow up and accept that. It's reality. To use a quote from Mark Driscoll, "It's a big boy's job!' ('boy' being used in the gender neutral sense :)
There are many times when I have to say no to various things I'd love to do, for the sake of my kids. Does it bum me out? Sure, but sometimes that the reality of being a parent!
So there's my rant for the day!
June 4 - Psalm 16
11 years ago
1 comment:
Some may label me as a uptight, anal retentive, no fun parent. GO FOR IT!!
Sure, but not for freaking out at the late-night movie house. :-P
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