Friday, May 11, 2007


"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like"
"Bicycle Race" by Queen

This morning I was taking the kids to school and as we got into the car I noticed that the gate on our fence that accesses the alley was open. I asked the kids if they had left it open, assuming that they had, but they insisted that they had not. When I returned to the house I went over to close the gate and investigate. What I discovered shocked me:

My bike had been stolen!

Yesterday I took my bike out for the first time this year. I had eaten very little prior to going, but didn't think much of it; that mistake, coupled with my overly ambitious distance resulted in my being extremely tired when I got home. In my weiry state I put the bike by the back door of the garage and went inside for a large bowl of cherry yogurt! Soon other activities crowded my brain and I forgot to put the bike in the garage.

So perhaps my stupidity is to blame. However, I still remain shocked that somebody in my neighborhood would open up my gate and walk across the yard to steal my bike! I guess I shouldn't be; after all, cars and bikes get stolen everyday in this city. But somehow it feels different when it happens to you.

I most certainly should have kept my bike more secured; it's a pretty old bike and not worth a ton of money... but it's MY FLIPPIN' BIKE!!!!

So bar the windows, lock the doors, put all your valuables in the car trunk, cause it's not safe out there!!!
(how's that for a depressing thought!) :)

It's not the end of the world, but I'm left, at least for the near future, feeling rather paranoid and somewhat unsafe in my neighborhood, wondering who's watching and lurking around in the shadows.

Part of me wishes I could get a really nice bike to use as bait, then wait to catch the guy and then beat the CRAP out of him.

Oh wait.... I forgot... I'm built like a stick and couldn't beat up scarecrow if I tried...

O well!
LOL :)


The Reesors in Korea said...

Hey Jim, this is Emily Reesor. My dad has had two bikes stolen this year...but I have good news, the last one was recovered at a pawn shop! The cops found it and delivered it to my dad at work! So, if you want to pursue getting your bike back, do it - it might just be recovered!!!

J Man said...

Or.... since you stated that it was an old bike, maybe this is just an open door tto get a nicer, newer one!

Anonymous said...

Good post.