Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Jim & Al's Excellent Adventure Pt. I

It’s 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon and Al and I are hurtling down the highway towards Yorkton, Sk. Pretty much the entire trip so far, we have been surrounded by storm clouds behind us and to our left and to our right. It’s been kind of interesting to be just on the edge of a storm; at times it looks like we’re headed right into the middle of it, but then it ends up being just off to the right of us. We’ve even seen some lightening at times!

We drove straight through to Saskatoon and then had lunch at ‘Cactus Jo’s’; some tex-mex place. It was ok. Not sure that I’d saunter across the road to eat there again, but it did the trick.

Saskatchewan has some weird little towns in it. We’ve been through “Sheho”, “Mozart”, and my favorite, “Kandahar”!! (actually we teleported to Iraq.. strangely more desolate than I’d imagined!!)
Another favorite was “foam lake”, which welcomed us with a sign declaring it to be ‘the greatest place on earth’. (wow, if that’s true, then all I can say is Come Lord Jesus, Come!!)


It’s now 2:22 a.m. (CST) and we’re in Grand Forks. A greasy looking attendant at the local Holiday Inn welcomed us; his shirt was worn out in the elbows (a wardrobe issue I’ve not seen before!!)

No matter... after driving over 1500 km and being on the road for the better part of 15 hours, I’m ready to crash. It seems I’m not as young as I used to be.

more tomorrow! (okay... later today!)

1 comment:

honjoffman said...

Hey Jim,
I am a big fan of your trips updates! I had no idea that you drive through Yorkton to go to KC. Wow, you drove through my hometown after you went through those great towns such as Sheho, Theodore and Foam Lake. By the way, I posted a video about the "world greatest town" last year after my brother was on the sonic. Anyways, you may have blinked, but my hometown is Springside. If you're tired on the way back, you could stay at my parents! My sister went home for the summer and through her job actually found out the history on the worlds greatest town...we always thought it was super bogus. I guess a few years ago when Canada won the UN top nations for quality of life, SK won the national survey for best province to live in and then the CBC did a contest and somehow, embarassingly enough Foam Lake won the best place to live in SK. What a string of stupid events, but thats how they got the title! Sorry for the super long post, but have a great time boys.